
What Is The Average Size Of A Kidney Cyst

Last Updated December 20th, 2021


Kidneys are the organs of the human body which are essential for sustaining life. Kidneys are responsible for the purification of the claret by eliminating the waste products from the torso in the class of urine. On a daily footing, the kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood and excrete 1-2 quarts of urine. Filtration chapters of the kidneys may exist impacted by multiple etiological factors. These factors, combined with the structural and functional abnormalities of the kidneys give rise to a number of kidney diseases. A widespread form of kidney disease is "Kidney Cysts". It is more common in elderly women than in men of the same historic period. Based on the facts produced by the National Constitute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, around 10% of the kidney cysts occur spontaneously.

Definition of kidney cyst

Kidney cysts formationKidney cysts are defined as abnormal fluid-filled outgrowths on the walls of the kidneys. They may appear singly or in clusters. Usually, kidney cyst conditions are symmetric in nature. This means that if ane of the kidneys develop cysts, the other one is probable to develop cysts at some point in time. Unproblematic kidney cysts of minor severity do not crusade complications. Virtually 25% of the people in a higher place the age of 40 develop unproblematic kidney cysts. But complex cysts or polycystic weather condition tin lead to serious complications. Enlargement of the kidneys may occur in this condition, which in turn can adversely affect the filtration chapters of the kidneys.

What causes kidney cyst?

Kidney cyst is caused past a number of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The common factors are listed below-

  • Shortage of blood supply to the kidneys
  • Blockage of the tubules that are responsible for the drove of urine
  • An occurrence of diverticula or sacs on the tubules, that transform into simple cysts once they are detached from the surface of the tubules
  • Reduced glomerular permeability with historic period
  • Bacterial infections induced past Escherichia coli or Chlamydia
  • Obstacle of the renal tract or tubules due to the excess degradation of calcium (Hypercalciuria), protein (Proteinuria) or uric acid wastes
  • Congenital defects of the urinary tract structures
  • Presence of scars or medullary sponge kidney
  • Sure medications similar corticosteroids, androgenic drugs, anti-depressants, anti-diuretic and tranquilizers that adversely touch the kidney health
  • Deficiency of essential vitamins and micronutrients in the body
  • Existing medical illnesses similar Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis, Diabetes mellitus or Sickle cell disease
  • Poor wellness and hygiene practices similar using unclean toilets, improper wiping after a bowel movement, using unclean sanitary napkins etc, which helps the bacteria resent in those environments to drift to the urinary tract
  • Using Indwelling Urinary Catheter for a long time
  • Alterations in the urine pH (increased acerbity or alkalinity)
  • Surgeries of the urinary tract in the past (risks of infections are high if a role of the renal tract is removed)
  • Abnormal variation in the blood levels of a few hormones like estrogen and progesterone
  • History of kidney diseases in the family unit
  • Past occurrence of kidney infections or major kidney diseases
  • Acute dehydration due to depression fluid intake or increased drainage of fluid from the body (occurs mainly subsequently Diarrhoea or vomiting)
  • Obesity or overweight condition

Symptoms of kidney cysts

kidney cysts HematuriaKidney cysts are usually manifested through the post-obit symptoms-

  • Painful urination with a called-for sensation in the genital region
  • A feeling of a lump in the lower abdomen (may occur on one or both sides)
  • Tenderness of the lower belly
  • Feeling of fullness even after a short meal (due to force per unit area exerted by the enlarged kidneys on the tum)
  • Pain in the pelvic regions (due to pressure level acquired by bigger cysts)
  • Digestive disorders
  • Presence of blood in the urine (Hematuria)
  • Increased tendency of urinary tract infections
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Fever, general weakness, and fatigue

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Types of kidney cysts

Kidney cysts are broadly classified into 2 master categories-

  • Simple cyst: They more often than not originate from the renal parenchyma. They may be present as solitary cysts or clusters. They can occur on 1 or both kidneys. Size of elementary kidney cysts usually varies from 2-10 cm.
  • Complex cyst: These are hyperdense cysts with thickened walls, nodular outgrowths, and increased calcifications. These types of kidney cysts are more likely to cause malignancy.

A few other varieties of kidney cysts have also been identified-

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): In this condition, hundreds of cysts are present in one or both kidneys. They may be of two types-
  • Autosomal Dominant PKD: This occurs due to a familial history of kidney diseases, wherein a defective or mutated factor is passed onto the future generations.
  • Autosomal Recessive PKD: This is also a hereditary kidney disease, but the chances of the future generation acquiring the disease are less (25%).
  • Parapelvic cysts: They generally originate from the renal sinus. They may cause obstruction or constriction of the ureter or the renal pelvis.
  • Acquired cysts: These types of cysts are formed due to chronic hemodialysis or presence of an Indwelling Catheter (IDC) for a long time. Both the atmospheric condition may crusade kidney infections and lead to the germination of cysts.


The following laboratory tests are recommended-

  • Cystourethrogram
  • Cystoscopy
  • Intravenous Pyelogram
  • X-ray (of lower abdomen)
  • Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • CT scan

Treatment & Prevention

Kidney cysts painIn cases where the kidney cyst does not interfere with the performance of the kidney and is asymptomatic, no treatment is commonly recommended. Nevertheless, imaging test should be conducted on a regular basis so as to evaluate any changes in the size of the kidney. In instance the cyst increases in size later, treatment might be required.

The treatment options for symptomatic kidney cysts are every bit follows:

  • Puncture and drainage– This procedure is commonly executed under local anesthesia. This procedure involves the insertion of a long needle through the skin into the cyst. The fluid in the cysts is then tuckered with the help of the needle. The empty cyst is then filled with an alcohol solution and then as to prevent recurrence. This is also known as sclerotherapy.
  • Surgical intervention– In cases where the cyst is big and symptomatic, a surgical removal of the cyst is planned. The surgery is planned through an endoscope. The endoscope has fine surgical tools and a small video camera fastened to it. The endoscope is inserted through small-scale incisions in the skin. The surgical tools are guided to the cyst with the help of a video monitor installed in the operating room. The fluid in the cyst is carefully drained and cyst walls are cut or burnt.

A brief infirmary stay might be required depending on the type of handling a patient undergoes.

The all-time preventive measure out includes lowering your salt intake and regulating your blood pressure. People with hypertension need to adopt a completely healthy lifestyle that includes post-obit a heart-healthy nutrition and monitoring your BP regularly.


  1. https://world wide
  3. https://world wide
  5. https://world wide


  • As per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, unproblematic kidney cysts are observed in well-nigh 25% of individuals of the age effectually 40 years and l% of individuals of the historic period around fifty years.


  • The body can function with simply 1 kidney.
  • The kidney receives around 20% of the blood pumped by the heart.


  • The kidney produces more or less 2 liters of urine after filtering most 180 liters of fluid.
  • The kidneys exercise not fifty-fifty contain 1% of your body weight.

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Dos and Don'ts


  • Go for regular investigations such every bit ultrasound, MRI etc. (as per your doctor's suggestions) in order monitor the condition of the cyst.
  • Seek emergency medical care if the symptoms intensify.


  • Ignore symptoms such as fever, dull pain in the back, upper abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, dark urine or blood in urine.
  • Stop the antibiotic course in betwixt. Infected kidney cysts might lead to the spread of the infection or its recurrence.
  • Self-medicate. Overdosage of certain pain-relieving medications tin can cause kidney damage.

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What Is The Average Size Of A Kidney Cyst,


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